Andrea's Weekly (2/5/23)
Song of the week: 4/4 - Danny and Alex

I had a very busy week again. Starting off the week, I worked on our exercises and thought about what I would like to work on for our first project. During the creation of our poem variation, I realized I had trouble formatting how the page would appear on different devices. This is something to pay better attention too. I'm feeling a bit nervous with our firs project, as I wonder how I'll be able to pull off my idea. My idea is to create a galaxy web aesthetic.

Outside of classes, I learned how to give my pet cat Desmond injections. It's a long story, but he got an ultrasound recently, confirming either Irritable Bowl Disease or Acute Lymphoma. I decided to start him on a B12 shot along with prednisone medications. Over the week, he's started feeling a lot better, and hopefully he'll start gaining the weight he needs. This has been a great source of anxiety for me so this makes me feel a lot better too.